Pressure washing services for Little Rock, Conway, and Jonesboro areas.
Does DPW Enterprises, Inc. have insurance?
DPW Enterprises, Inc. carries a 2 million dollar insurance policy, and we can provide you proof of our coverage upon request.
I received an estimate from another pressure washing company offering very low prices, are your prices higher?
We are very competitive on our pricing. However, most companies that offer extremely low prices are cutting costs on equipment, using cold water, and not carrying insurance.
Are all pressure washing companies the same?
Absolutely not. Anyone can buy a pressure washer from a big box store. In fact, a lot of our clients have one setting in their garage. Just because someone owns a pressure washer and advertises their services does not mean that they can operate it effectively or have the knowledge and skills to do the job right. A pressure washer in the hands of an untrained operator can and will cause damage. more...
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5 Acklin Gap Rd, Conway, AR 72032, USA
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